Sunday 8 December 2013

Sunday December 8, 2013

Hello Kiddos!

Just a few friendly reminders before we get started on a crazy day...

-If your parents have decided to bring items for the Christmas hamper, they are due Friday December 13th.  If you haven't picked an item, an email was sent out for you to decide if you would like to participate.  There are a few items that we do not have yet and it would be great to get all of the items for our hamper :)  Thank you again for your help!

- Science Quiz on Monday - make sure you know the six properties of air and can explain them based on an experiment we have done.

- Grade 5-6 Christmas Concert is this Thursday December 12th at 6:30...get ready to get dressed up and put on a show!  We can't wait to see you on stage!

- Please continue to record your reading minutes. 

- We will be doing a classroom Secret Santa - we will be discussing it in class tomorrow, so please ask your son or daughter for details :) 

- If you haven't turned in your report card envelopes, please do so as soon as possible and sign the front cover

I think that's it for now, Kiddos!  I look forward to seeing you tomorrow :)  We will also be discussing our classroom Christmas party on Monday - in case I forget, can someone remind me? 

Also, I would like to thank you for reading my blog.  I am going to do a daily question.  You can comment on the blog post (not sure how it works, but give it a whirl) or just tell me tomorrow morning.  This one is worth TWO Minion Moola...but you have to tell me before we begin first block.  A little bit of responsibility on your part ;)

So...I know you're excited about!...What phase of the moon are we experiencing right now?  AND what phase of the moon comes next?

Have a wonderful night....only ten school days until Christmas break ....WOW!!  We all deserve a little break after all the hard work we have been putting in.

Keep warm!  Mrs. S

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