Sunday 1 December 2013

Monday December 2nd

Good Evening Grade Six!

Thank you so much for checking out my new blog.  This will be an excellent way to keep track of your work, connect with each other, and learn something new. 

As you have heard, we are going to be starting our new Advent Joy Box today!  Remember to follow the directions and bring it back to school the next day. 

We are also starting our newest Reading Project.  This reading project is going to be practice to get ready for a huge project in January.  Your job is to read every night and then have your parent record the information on the website.  It is quick and simple and a great way for me to track your reading.  In January we will be starting The Amazing Race Reading Program!  You will love it, but you will need to practice now to be ready for January.  I can't wait to see how much you read!

To get to the page where you can record the amount of time you read, you MUST COPY and PASTE the link into a new browser window.  Unfortunately, it's kind of touchy right now and I'm trying to work out the kinks.  You can try just clicking on it and hopefully it works!  Otherwise, pasting the link into a new window will work :) ENJOY!  

At Home Reading Challenge

Please try to read twenty minutes a night!  Don't forget to log may get small prizes as you go!

Science - if you haven't tried the spoon experiment at home, please don't forget to do so!  Explain to your parents how the fast moving fluid (water) creates low pressure and the high pressure air (the still air around the spoons) pushes the the two spoons into the low pressure.  TOO COOL!  Show and explain - it helps you to better understand :)

Keep up the great work, Kiddos!

Mrs. St. Jean

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