Monday 9 December 2013

Monday December 9, 2013

Hello 6B! eventful day today to say the least!  I can tell that Christmas excitement is in the air!

Just a few things we discussed today...

- Secret Santa will be completed on Friday December 20th for our afternoon party!! Yahoo!!
Each student has said that they are interested in buying a $6.00 (maximum) gift for a peer in the class.  We have chosen names - now to see who can keep a secret! :) Enjoy the fun!

- Also, our Christmas Party will be on Friday December 20th - I am still working out times, but it should be pretty much all day long.  YAY!
Just a reminder that certain people are bringing items...

Christmas Party

1.  Carter - Drinks and paper plates
2.  Mackenzie - Veggie Tray
3.  Abby - Fruit Tray
4.  Blake - Meat Tray
5.  Emily - Cheese and Crackers
6.  Rylan and Kevin - Sweets and Desserts

Please remember your goodie!  :)

- Science quiz was today...please be studying throughout the unit.  Our Unit Final for Air and Aerodynamics will be Thursday December 19th.  Please DO NOT miss this day :)

- No Social or Math today

- We started our science project researching a bird or insect - how it flies, adaptations it has to fly, etc.  You can do some research at home too to help you out!

- Christmas concert is on Thursday starting at 6:30 - Doors open at 6...can't wait to see you!

Daily Blog Question...for TWO Minion Moola!!! Muahahaha....

What are the four elements of Bernoulli's principle of Flight?  We did them with actions and these four things ensure that things can fly!  GOOD LUCK!

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