Sunday 15 December 2013

Sunday December 15th


I hope you have had a great weekend and I hope this computer has been doing weird things, so hopefully it posts.  This weekend has been a crazy one - between it being Friday the 13th and a full moon, it sure has been exciting! 

6B has had such an incredible week.  I am so proud of this group and how they come together!!  I have never seen teamwork like this before.  Here are some examples of the great things happening in our wonderful classroom....

On Monday our class ran the Advent ceremony and they did a fabulous job!  They were leaders in front of the whole school and represented Notre Dame fantastically!  Thank you to the ten students who practiced and ran the celebration!

On Wednesday, Kendra and Connor participated in the 2013 Spelling Bee!  WOW did our class ever come out on top!  After multiple intense rounds of spelling, the final two were CONNOR AND KENDRA!  Connor came in second and Kendra got First Place in the Spelling Bee!  WOW!  You really represented 6B!  Not to mention the other 22 students in the class cheering the two of them on every time they spelled a word correctly.  This class really knows how to come together and work as a team.  It was so exciting for me to watch and I couldn't have been more proud.  Congrats to all of the students in 6B!  Thank you for being supportive peers!

Wednesday afternoon we were blessed to have HOJA perform for all of the students at the school.  They came spreading the powerful words about bullying and the difference between tattling and telling.  Quinten was pulled up on stage to sing and dance with the performs and boy did he do an AMAZING job!!  Quinten received a signed poster and CD, but HOJA was kind enough to sign autographs for all of the students in 6B that wanted one!  It was so special and the concert was amazing!  Our class was so impressed with them that we started to chant "ENCORE" and they did!  They performed What Does the Fox Say? And everyone in the gym loved it!  It was very special and GREAT WORK, Quinten!

Christmas Hamper - SUCCESS!  Our hamper was filled perfectly and I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who brought something in.  We really appreciate it your generous donations in a time when we are already giving so much.  Thank you for helping a family in need!

On Friday we started our Random Act Of Kindness Run...working with the students in Mrs. Hopkyn's grade one class and let's just say they were SO happy to have us.  The Grade Six students worked on puzzles and Christmas games with the kids and boy was it fun!  Everyone had fun and definitely spread the Christmas spirit! :)

On Friday our school participated in a door decorating challenge.  All of the classes in the school decorated the outside of their door to celebrate the Christmas spirit.  The class decided to decorate the door with Minions and Gru with the theme - We Wish You a "Minion" Christmas.  Well, Mr. Gatti and Mrs. Malloy were in charge of picking the top four doors in division one and two.. Well, when we saw our Door as the top four well we went WILD!  I wish that I had had it one video because man was it ever priceless - you would have thought that we had won the whole thing!  We discussed how this wasn't about winning the pizza party, but coming together, working as a team, and celebrating the Christmas Spirit.  We waited patiently for the announcement and about an hour later Mrs. Malloy announced it....6B and the MINION WON THE DOOR DECORATING CHALLENGE!  YAHOO!!! A Pizza party will be happening on Thursday.  Congrats 6B - your positive attitude and togetherness really created the perfect atmosphere.  YOU ARE AN AMAZING GROUP OF STUDENTS! 

You didn't have any homework this weekend except to start studying for your science final on Thursday.  We are doing our final concept tomorrow and then review.  Wednesday afternoon will all be review so you feel good and prepared for final on Thursday. 

Your Blog Question tonight....come to me tomorrow with the answer and you will receive 3 Minion Moola!  YAHOO!!!

What is Bernoulli's Principle?

I have a ton of pictures and a cute video to post, but again, my computer is being weird.  I will post them tomorrow from my school computer and see if that works :) 


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